autores Arias Echandi, María Laura Goncalves C., Luis Roberto Goncalves C., Luis Roberto Goncalves C., Luis Roberto
publicaciones seleccionadas artículo académico Stingless Bee Honeys from Costa Rica Exhibit Antimicrobial Activity Against Antibiotic-resistant Clinical Isolates. Journal of Biologically Active Products from Nature. 5:144-149. 2015 Identificación molecular de mutaciones asociadas con enfermedades mitocondriales. Acta Pediátrica Costarricense. 23:16-22. 2014 Preclinical assessment of the neutralizing capacity of antivenoms produced in six Latin American countries against medically-relevant Bothrops snake venoms. Toxicon. 56:980-989. 2010 Comparative study of the venoms of three subspecies of Lachesis muta (bushmaster) from Brazil, Colombia and Costa Rica. Toxicon. 36:2021-2027. 1998