Acrylamide formation during the processing of food. A review Artículo académico Nombre uri icon


  • In April 2002, a Swedish group or researches informed that some food products with high starch and low protein constitution and submitted to temperature processes above 120°C contained a pro cancerigenous substance known as acrylamide. From this moment on, and until actual times, a research race around the theme has been established. Up to the date, research done clearly describes the formation of acrylamide in food from asparagine and reducing sugars, through Maillard’s reaction, and is known as a process contaminant or a neo formed contaminant. Actual research on the theme has three different approaches, one that explains the presence of acrylamide in food, a second one that focusses in the development of protocols and technology for its detection in food and a third one that tries to develop mitigating measures for the appearance of acrylamide in food substrates. The aim of this review is to bring to the reader an actualized vision of these three approaches.

fecha de publicación

  • 2016