Brodsky, Stanley J.
Researcher in SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA.
CP3-Origins, Southern Denmark University, Odense, Denmark.
CP3-Origins, Southern Denmark University, Odense, Denmark.
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- United States of America Autogobierno
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artículo académico
- Isoscalar mesons and exotic states in light front holographic QCD. Physical Review D. 99:114024-1-114024-10. 2019
- The Spin Structure of the Nucleon. Reports on Progress in Physics. 82:1-119. 2019
- Evaluation of the Synergistic Effect of EDTA-Functionalized Chitosan Nanoparticles on Imipenem Delivery in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Carbapenem-Resistant Strain AG1. Journal of Biomaterials and Nanobiotechnology. 9:64-78. 2018
- Nonperturbative strange-quark sea from lattice QCD, light-front holography, and meson-baryon fluctuation models. Physical Review D. 98:114004-1-114004-17. 2018
- Supersymmetry in the double-heavy hadronic spectrum. Physical Review D. 98:034002-1-034002-11. 2018
- Universality of Generalized Parton Distributions in Light-Front Holographic QCD. Physical Review Letters. 120:182001-1-182001-7. 2018
- Analysis of Nucleon Electromagnetic Form Factors from Light-Front Holographic QCD: The Space-Like Region. Physical Review D. 95:1-32. 2017
- Determination of ΛMS at five loops from holographic QCD. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics. 44:105005. 2017
- Implications of the Principle of Maximum Conformality for the QCD Strong Coupling. Physics Letters B. 773:98-104. 2017
- Superconformal Algebraic Approach to Hadron Structure. The European Journal Conferences. 137:03023. 2017
- Supersymmetry Across the Light and Heavy-Light Hadronic Spectrum II. Physical Review D. 95:1-25. 2017
- Meson/Baryon/Tetraquark Supersymmetry from Superconformal Algebra and Light-Front Holography. International Journal of Modern Physics A. 31:1-36. 2016
- On the Interface between Perturbative and Nonperturbative QCD. Physics Letters B. 757:275-281. 2016
- The QCD running coupling. Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics. 90:1-74. 2016
- The Relation between the Perturbative QCD Scale Λs and Hadronic Masses from Light-Front Holography. Nuclear and Particle Physics Proceedings. 270-272:88-92. 2016
- Universal Effective Hadron Dynamics from Superconformal Algebra. Physics Letters B. 759:171-177. 2016
- 'Growing together': transnational policy networks and environmental policy change in Costa Rica. International Journal of Society Systems Science. 7. 2015
- Connecting the Hadron Mass Scale to the Fundamental Mass Scale of Quantum Chromodynamics. Physics Letters B. 750:528-532. 2015
- Light-Front Holographic QCD and Emerging Confinement. Physics Reports. 584:1-237. 2015
- Light-Front Holography and Superconformal Quantum Mechanics: A New Approach to Hadron Structure and Color Confinement. International Journal of Modern Physics: Conferences Series. 39:1560081-1-1560081-14. 2015
- Superconformal Baryon-Meson Symmetry and Light-Front Holographic QCD. Physical Review D. 91:1-31. 2015
- Supersymmetry Across the Light and Heavy-Light Hadronic Spectrum. Physical Review D. 92:1-12. 2015
- The Light-Front Schrödinger Equation and the Determination of the Perturbative QCD Scale from Color Confinement: A First Approximation to QCD. Few-Body Systems. 56:621-632. 2015
- Baryon Spectrum from Superconformal Quantum Mechanics and its Light-Front Holographic Embedding. Physical Review D. 91:1-31. 2014
- Effective confining potentials for QCD. Physical Review D. 90:1-5. 2014
- Hadron Spectroscopy and Dynamics from Light-Front Holography and Conformal Symmetry. The European Physical Journal Conferences. 73:1-11. 2014
- Light-Front Holographic QCD and the Confinement Potential. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. 251-252:1-9. 2014
- QCD on the Light-Front -- A Systematic Approach to Hadron Physics. Few-Body Systems. 55:407-423. 2014
- Threefold Complementary Approach to Holographic QCD. Physics Letters B. 729:3-8. 2014
- Kinematical and Dynamical Aspects of Higher-Spin Bound-State Equations in Holographic QCD. Physical Review D. 87. 2013
- Puzzles in Hadronic Physics and Novel Quantum Chromodynamics Phenomenology. Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science. 62:1-35. 2013
- Studies of Nucleon Resonance Structure in Exclusive Meson Electroproduction. International Journal of Modern Physics E. 22. 2013
- AdS/QCD, Light-Front Holography, and the Nonperturbative Running Coupling. International Journal of Modern Physics A. 25:5009-5024. 2012
- Light-Front Holography and the Light-Front Schrodinger Equation. International Journal of Modern Physics: Conferences Series. 20:53-65. 2012
- Light-Front Holography, Light-Front Wavefunctions, and Novel QCD Phenomena. Few-Body Systems. 52:203-222. 2012
- Light-front holography - A new approach to relativistic hadron dynamics and nonperturbative QCD. Proceedings of Science. 2012
- AdS/QCD, Light-Front Holography, and Sublimated Gluons. Proceedings of Science. 2011
- Applications of AdS/QCD and Light-Front Holography to Baryon Physics. AIP Conference Proceedings. 22:1-15. 2011
- Evolved QCD predictions for the meson-photon transition form factors. Physical Review D. 84:1-32. 2011
- Excited Baryons in Holographic QCD. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1432:168. 2011
- Light-front quantization and adS/QCD: An overview. Journal of Physics: Conference Series. 287. 2011
- Meson Transition Form Factors in Light-Front Holographic QCD. Physical Review D. 84:1-28. 2011
- Ab-initio Hamiltonian approach to light nuclei and to quantum field theory. Pramana. 75:39-49. 2010
- AdS/QCD and light front holography: A new approximation to QCD. Chinese Physics. 34:1-8. 2010
- Gauge/Gravity Duality and Hadron Physics at the Light-Front. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1296:128-139. 2010
- Gauge/Gravity Duality and Strongly Coupled Light-Front Dynamics. Proceedings of Science. 1-12. 2010
- Hamiltonian light-front field theory within an AdS/QCD basis. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. 199:64-73. 2010
- Light-Front Holography and Gauge/Gravity Duality: The Light Meson and Baryon Spectra. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. 199:89-96. 2010
- Light-Front Holography, AdS/QCD, and Hadronic Phenomena. Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements. 199:5-15. 2010
- Light-Front Quantization Approach to the Gauge-Gravity Correspondence and Hadron Spectroscopy. AIP Conference Proceedings. 59:1-17. 2010
- Nonperturbative QCD coupling and its β function from light-front holography. Physical Review Letters. 81:096010-096010. 2010
- QCD and Light-Front Holography. Acta Physica Polonica B, Proceedings Supplement. 41:2605-2643. 2010
- QCD and light-front dynamics. Proceedings of Science. 1-24. 2010
- Ab initio no core calculations of light nuclei and preludes to Hamiltonian quantum field theory. AIP Conference Proceedings. 917. 2009
- Hamiltonian light-front field theory in a basis function approach. Physical Review C. 81:035205. 2009
- Light-Front Holography and AdS/QCD: A First Approximation to QCD. Physical Review Letters. 102:081601. 2009
- Light-Front Holography and Novel Effects in QCD. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1116:311-326. 2009
- Light-Front Holography: A First Approximation to QCD. Physical Review Letters. 102:081601. 2009
- Light-Front Holography and QCD Hadronization at the Amplitude Level. AIP Conference Proceedings. 1056:1-5. 2008
nombre completo
- Stanley J. Brodsky