- We study the photon-to-meson transition form factors (TFFs) FMγ(Q2 ) for γγ∗ → M using light-front holographic methods. The Chern-Simons action, which is a natural form in 5-dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS) space, leads directly to an expression for the photon-topion TFF for a class of confining models. Remarkably, the predicted pion TFF is identical to the leading order QCD result where the distribution amplitude has asymptotic form. The Chern-Simons form is local in AdS space and is thus somewhat limited in its predictability. It only retains the qq¯ component of the pion wavefunction, and further, it projects out only the asymptotic form of the meson distribution amplitude. It is found that in order to describe simultaneously the decay process ∏0 → γγ and the pion TFF at the asymptotic limit, a probability for the qq¯ component of the pion wavefunction Pqq¯ = 0.5 is required; thus giving indication that the contributions from higher Fock states in the pion light-front wavefunction need to be included in the analysis. The probability for the Fock state containing four quarks (anti-quarks) which follows from analyzing the hadron matrix elements, Pqqq¯ q¯ ∼ 10%, agrees with the analysis of the pion elastic form factor using light-front holography including higher Fock components in the pion wavefunction. The results for the TFFs for the η and η 0 mesons are also presented. The rapid growth of the pion TFF exhibited by the BABAR data at high Q2 is not compatible with the models discussed in this article, whereas the theoretical calculations are in agreement with the experimental data for the η and η 0 TFFs.