publicaciones seleccionadas
artículo académico
- Logros del TEC en investigación y extensión. Investiga. TEC. 32:11-13. 2018
- Extensión: TEC y Sociedad en mutuo desarrollo. Investiga. TEC. 1:3-4. 2016
- Investigación en nanotecnología se aplica en distintas áreas del conocimiento. Investiga. TEC. 16:14-15. 2013
- Simulation of laminar bimorph piezoelectric microactuators with application in miniaturized robots. Tecnología en Marcha. 25:116-123. 2012
- Simulation of translational piezoelectric microactuators with application in miniaturized robots. Tecnología en Marcha. 25:124-130. 2012
- Consideraciones de diseño para robots miniaturizados. Tecnología en Marcha. 23:60-68. 2010
- TEC crea Programa de Investigación en Nanotecnología. Tecnología en Marcha. 23:69-76. 2010
- A numerical simulation of the Martian polar cap breeze. Earth, Moon, and Planets. 70:193-205. 1995
documento de conferencia
- Effectiveness of Patient specific instrumentation for total joint replacement and implantable sensing technology in orthopedics: A review.. 2017 15th LACCEI International Multi-Conference for Engineering, Education, and Technology, United States. 2017
- Design of a Wide Tuning-Range CMOS 130-nm Quadrature VCO for Cell Impedance Spectroscopy. 2015 6th IEEE Germany Student Conference Proceedings, Germany. 2015
- Designing a Broadband Cherry Hooper BJT amplifier for the 30-50 GHz range. 2015 17th Analog Workshop, At Darmstadt, Germany. 2015
- Gonzalez, Robert. 2015 13th LACCEI Annual International Conference, Dominican Republic. 1-10. 2015
- Spiderbot: an example of sinergy between University, Industry and Government to strengthen research and engineering. 2011 9th LACCEI Latin American and Caribbean Conference, Colombia. 1-9. 2011
- Optimization of a thermal actuator for low power/low cost applications. 2009 Proceedings of the COMSOL Conference, United States. 1-6. 2009
- Analog Circuit Calibration with Single Poly Non-Volatile Memories. 2008 26th NORCHIP Conferencia, Estonia. 254-257. 2008
- Optimization and contraints of single-poly non-volatile memory cells for embedded applications. Proceeding of XII Iberchip Workshop. 1-8. 2006
- Single poly PMOS-based CMOS-compatible low voltage OTP. 2005 MICROTECHNOLOGIES FOR THE NEW MILLENNIUM, Spain. 953-961. 2005
- An impedance spectroscopy ASIC for low-frequency characterization of biological samples. 2016 9th International Conference on Biomedical Electronics and Devices, Proceedings, Italy. 2016
- Nano and microelectronics for biomedical applications: Fundamentals and advances in electrical impedance spectroscopy. V Nanoandes School. 303-306. 2015
profesión de escritor
- Finite element analysis of MEMS flexible pressure sensor for total ankle replacement. 2016 IEEE 36th Central American and Panama Convention (CONCAPAN XXXVI), Costa Rica. 1-6. 2016
- El chip TUHCR: Desarrollo de un circuito integrado multiproyecto. Proceeding of XII Iberchip Workshop. 1-7. 2006
- Low Voltage, Low Power, Self-Clocked Single-Poly CMOS Compatible OTP Memory System. Proceeding of XII Iberchip Workshop. 1-6. 2006