publicaciones seleccionadas
artículo académico
- Asociación entre algunos índices de sequía e impactos socio-productivos en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica. /Association between some Drought Indices and Socio-productive Impacts in the Northern Pacific Region of Costa Rica (Spanish). Revista de Ciencias Ambientales. 54:16-32. 2020
- DynACof: A process-based model to study growth, yield and ecosystem services of coffee agroforestry systems. Environmental Modelling and Software. 124:104609. 2020
- Cambio climático y su efecto sobre los servicios ecosistémicos en dos parques nacionales de Costa Rica. Revista Iberoamericana de Economía Ecológica. 30:16-38. 2019
- Characterising droughts in Central America with uncertain hydro-meteorological data. Theoretical and Applied Climatology. 137:2125-2138. 2019
- Dynamical delimitation of the Central American Dry Corridor (CADC) using drought indices and aridity values. Progress in Physical Geography. 43. 2019
- Efecto del estrés calórico sobre la producción del ganado lechero en Costa Rica. Agronomía Mesoamericana. 30:733-750. 2019
- Precursors of quasi-decadal dry-spells in the Central America Dry Corridor. Climate Dynamics. 53:1307-1322. 2019
- Spatial and temporal patterns, trends and teleconnection of cumulative rainfall deficits across Central America. International Journal of Climatology. 39:1940-1953. 2019
- The Central American Dry Corridor: a consensus statement and its background. Revista Mesoamericana de Biodiversidad y Cambio Climático. 3:42-51. 2019
- A Tri-dimensional Approach to Climate Sciences: Lessons from a Central American University. Caribbean Quarterly. 64:26-56. 2018
- Can climate variability information constrain a hydrological model for an ungauged Costa Rican catchment?. Hydrological Processes. 32:830-846. 2018
- Humedales del Parque Nacional Chirripó, Costa Rica: características, relaciones geomorfológicas y escenarios de cambio climático. Revista de Biología Tropical. 66:1436-1448. 2018
- Impactos de las sequías en el sector agropecuario del Corredor Seco Centroamericano. Agronomía Mesoamericana. 29:695-709. 2018
- Mapping Environmental and Socioeconomic impacts of hydrometeorological hazards across Central America. Study case: Honduras. Revista de Investigación Agropecuaria y Desarrollo Sostenible. 3:20-43. 2018
- Revision of the main drivers and variability of Central America Climate and seasonal forecast systems. Revista de Biología Tropical. 66:S153-S175. 2018
- Climate change, ecosystems and smallholder agriculture in Central America: an introduction to the special issue. Climate Change. 141:1-12. 2017
- Propuesta metodológica para la predicción climática estacional del veranillo en la cuenca del río Tempisque en el Pacífico Norte de Costa Rica. Tópicos Metereológicos y Oceanográficos. 62-74. 2017
- Regional modeling of climate change impacts on smallholder agriculture and ecosystems in Central America. Climate Change. 141:29-45. 2017
- Assessment of Central America Regional Climate Outlook Forum maps, 1998-2013. Tópicos Metereológicos y Oceanográficos. 15:37-52. 2016
- Climate of an oceanic island in the Eastern Pacific: Isla del Coco, Costa Rica, Central America. Revista de Biología Tropical. 64:S59-S74. 2016
- Distribución espacial de impactos de eventos hidrometeorológicos en América Central. Revista de Climatología. 16:63-75. 2016
- Investigación y desarrollo en ciencias exactas y naturales . Geografiska Annaler: Series A, Physical Geography. 97:41-59. 2016
- Observed (1970–1999) climate variability in Central America using a high-resolution meteorological dataset with implication to climate change studies. Climate Change. 141:13-28. 2016
- Prediction of MJ rainfall season using CCA models. Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos. 15:5-19. 2016
- Hydroclimatological Processes in the Central American Dry Corridor. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts. 2015
- Skill of CMIP5 climate models in reproducing 20th century basic climate features in Central America. International Journal of Climatology. 35:3397-3421. 2015
- Hydrological climate change projections for Central America. Journal of Hydrology. 495:94-112. 2013
- Understanding Uncertainties in Future Colorado River Streamflow. Bulletin - American Meteorological Society. 95:59-78. 2013
- Global Model selection for evaluation of Climate Change projections in the Eastern Tropical Pacific Seascape. Revista de Biología Tropical. 60:67-81. 2012
- Some physical and socio-economic aspects of climate change in Central America. Progress in Physical Geography. 36:379-399. 2012
- Climate change and growth scenarios for California wildfire. Climate Change. 109:445-463. 2011
- Potential Increase in Floods in California's Sierra Nevada Under Future Climate Projections. Climate Change. 109:71-94. 2011
- The Utility of Daily Large-Scale Climate Data in the Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Daily Streamflow in California. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences. 14:1125-1138. 2010
- Detection and Attribution of Streamflow Timing Changes to Climate Change in the Western United States. Journal of Climate. 22:3838-3855. 2009
- Structure and Detectability of Trends in Hydrological Measures over the Western United States. Journal of Hydrometeorology. 10:871-892. 2009
- Distribución espacio-temporal de la ocurrencia de tormentas eléctricas en Costa Rica. Tópicos Meteorológicos y Oceanográficos. 4:63-77. 1997
- An alternative in vitro method for testing the potency of the polyvalent antivenom produced in Costa Rica. Toxicon. 26:411-413. 1988