Thermoplastic Polyurethanes-Fumed Silica Composites: Influence of NCO/OH in the Study of Thermal and Rheological Properties and Morphological Characteristics
Artículo académico
Thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPU´s) are a multipurpose group of phase segmented polymers that have good mechanical and elastic properties and hardness. Usually, TPU´s exhibit a two-phase microstructure, which arises from the chemical incompatibility between the soft and the hard segments. The hard rigid segment segregates into a glassy or semicrystalline domain and the polyol soft segments form amorphous or rubbery matrices, in which the hard segments are dispersed (Oertel, 1993). Many factors influence in the separation of phases as the molecular weight, the segmental length, the crystallizability of the segment, the overall composition and the intra- and inter-segments interactions. Fumed nanosilicas are added to increase the thermal, rheological and mechanical properties of TPU´s (Maciá-Agulló et al., 1992; Jaúregui-Belogui et al., 1999; Jaúregui-Belogui et al., 1999; Torró-Palau et al., 2001, Péres-Limaña et al., 2001).