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- Consultoría en ciencias exactas y naturales, Unidad de Investigación y Desarrollo en Biotecnología, Florex , Distribuidora Florex Centroamericana S.A. 2009 -
Structural and Functional Venomics Laboratory, Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia, CSIC, Valencia, Spain.
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- Neutralizing properties of LY315920 toward snake venom group I and II myotoxic phospholipases A2. Toxicon. 157:1-7. 2019
- New insights into the phylogeographic distribution of the 3FTx/PLA2 venom dichotomy across genus Micrurus in South America. Journal of Proteomics. 200:90-101. 2019
- Phylovenomics of Daboia russelii across the indian subcontinent. Bioactivities and comparative in vivo neutralization and in vitro third-generation antivenomics of antivenoms against venoms from India, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka. Journal of Proteomics. 207:103443. 2019
- A novel pentameric phospholipase A 2 myotoxin (PophPLA 2 ) from the venom of the pit viper Porthidium ophryomegas. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 118:1-8. 2018
- Characterization of a novel snake venom component: Kazal-type inhibitor-like protein from the arboreal pitviper Bothriechis schlegelii. Biochimie. 10:61-66. 2018
- Coastal development and marine ecosystems in Culebra Bay, Guanacaste, Costa Rica | Desarrollo costero y ambientes marino-costeros en Bahía Culebra, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Revista de Biología Tropical. 66:S309-S327. 2018
- Proteomic studies on Micrurus (coral snakes) venom reveal a dichotomy of phenotypes. Toxicon. 150:319-320. 2018
- Cross-reactivity, antivenomics, and neutralization of toxic activities of Lachesis venoms by polyspecific and monospecific antivenoms. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 11:e0005793. 2017
- Evaluation of systemic and mucosal anti-HPV16 and anti-HPV18 antibody responses from vaccinated women. Journal of Proteomics. 150:201-215. 2017
- Preclinical Evaluation of the Efficacy of Antivenoms for Snakebite Envenoming: State-of-the-Art and Challenges Ahead. Toxins. 9:163. 2017
- Proteomic analysis of venom variability and ontogeny across the arboreal palm-pitvipers (genus Bothriechis). Journal of Proteomics. 152:1-12. 2017
- Baylisascaris procyonis Parasites in Raccoons, Costa Rica, 2014. Emerging Infectious Diseases. 22:1502-1503. 2016
- Combined venomics, venom gland transcriptomics, bioactivities, and antivenomics of two Bothrops jararaca populations from geographic isolated regions within the Brazilian Atlantic rainforest. Journal of Proteomics. 135:73-89. 2016
- Novel catalytically-inactive PII metalloproteinases from a viperid snake venom with substitutions in the canonical zinc-binding motif. Toxins. 8:292. 2016
- Regional warming and the thermal regimes of American crocodile nests in the Tempisque Basin, Costa Rica. Journal of Thermal Biology. 60:49-59. 2016
- Venoms of Micrurus coral snakes: Evolutionary trends in compositional patterns emerging from proteomic analyses. Toxicon. 122:7-25. 2016
- First crotoxin-like phospholipase A2 complex from a New World non-rattlesnake species: Nigroviriditoxin, from the arboreal Neotropical snake Bothriechis nigroviridis. Toxicon. 93:144-154. 2015
- Snake venomics of Micrurus alleni and Micrurus mosquitensis from the Caribbean region of Costa Rica reveals two divergent compositional patterns in New World elapids. Toxicon. 107:217-233. 2015
- Tissue Localization and Extracellular Matrix Degradation by PI, PII and PIII Snake Venom Metalloproteinases: Clues on the Mechanisms of Venom-Induced Hemorrhage. PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases. 9. 2015
- Venomics and antivenomics of Bothrops erythromelas from five geographic populations within the Caatinga ecoregion of northeastern Brazil. Journal of Proteomics. 114:93-114. 2015
- Combined venom gland cDNA sequencing and venomics of the New Guinea small-eyed snake, Micropechis ikaheka. Journal of Proteomics. 110:209-229. 2014
- Erratum: Snake venomics of crotalus tigris: The minimalist toxin arsenal of the deadliest nearctic rattlesnake venom. Evolutionary clues for generating a pan-specific antivenom against crotalid type II venoms (Journal of Proteome Research (2012) 11:2 (1382-1390) DOI: 10.1021/pr201021d). Journal of Proteome Research. 13:6196-6196. 2014
- Immunological profile of antivenoms: Preclinical analysis of the efficacy of a polyspecific antivenom through antivenomics and neutralization assays. Journal of Proteomics. 105:340-350. 2014
- Omics meets biology: Application to the design and preclinical assessment of antivenoms. Toxins. 6:3388-3405. 2014
- Preclinical efficacy of Australian antivenoms against the venom of the small-eyed snake, Micropechis ikaheka, from Papua New Guinea: An antivenomics and neutralization study. Journal of Proteomics. 110:198-208. 2014
- Two color morphs of the pelagic yellow-bellied sea snake, Pelamis platura, from different locations of Costa Rica: Snake venomics, toxicity, and neutralization by antivenom. Journal of Proteomics. 103:137-152. 2014
- Understanding structural and functional aspects of PII snake venom metalloproteinases: Characterization of BlatH1, a hemorrhagic dimeric enzyme from the venom of Bothriechis lateralis. Biochimie. 101:145-155. 2014
- Venomics of new world pit vipers: Genus-wide comparisons of venom proteomes across agkistrodon. Journal of Proteomics. 96:103-116. 2014
- Venomous snakes of Costa Rica: Biological and medical implications of their venom proteomic profiles analyzed through the strategy of snake venomics. Journal of Proteomics. 105:323-339. 2014
- Assessing the preclinical efficacy of antivenoms: From the lethality neutralization assay to antivenomics. Toxicon. 69:168-179. 2013
- Integrated "omics" profiling indicates that miRNAs are modulators of the ontogenetic venom composition shift in the Central American rattlesnake, Crotalus simus simus. BMC Genomics. 2013
- Investigación y desarrollo en ciencias exactas y naturales. Toxicon. 64:60-69. 2013
- Pedro Morera Villalobos (30 abril 1933-19 setiembre 2012). Journal of Proteome Research. 11:1382-1390. 2013
- Snake venomics of Lachesis muta rhombeata and genus-wide antivenomics assessment of the paraspecific immunoreactivity of two antivenoms evidence the high compositional and immunological conservation across Lachesis. Journal of Proteomics. 89:112-123. 2013
- 210. Understanding the Preclinical Efficacy Profile of Antivenoms: From the Lethality Potency Assay to Antivenomics. Toxicon. 60:203. 2012
- Snake venomics across genus Lachesis. Ontogenetic changes in the venom composition of Lachesis stenophrys and comparative proteomics of the venoms of adult Lachesis melanocephala and Lachesis acrochorda. Journal of Proteomics. 77:280-297. 2012
- Snake venomics and antivenomics of Protobothrops mucrosquamatus and Viridovipera stejnegeri from Taiwan: Keys to understand the variable immune response in horses. Journal of Proteomics. 75:5628-5645. 2012
- Atherosclerosis. Journal of Proteome Research. 10:1266-1280. 2011
- Profiling the venom gland transcriptomes of costa rican snakes by 454 pyrosequencing. BMC Genomics. 12. 2011
- Snake population venomics and antivenomics of Bothrops atrox: Paedomorphism along its transamazonian dispersal and implications of geographic venom variability on snakebite management. Journal of Proteomics. 74:510-527. 2011
- Antivenomic assessment of the immunological reactivity of EchiTAb-Plus-ICP, an antivenom for the treatment of snakebite envenoming in sub-Saharan Africa. American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 82:1194-1201. 2010
- Antivenomics of Atropoides mexicanus and Atropoides picadoi snake venoms: Relationship to the neutralization of toxic and enzymatic activities. Investigación y desarrollo en ciencias exactas y naturales. 1:8-17. 2010
- Isolation and biological characterization of Batx-I, a weak hemorrhagic and fibrinogenolytic PI metalloproteinase from Colombian Bothrops atrox venom. Toxicon. 56:936-943. 2010
Isolation of an acidic phospholipase A
2 from the venom of the snake Bothrops asper of Costa Rica: Biochemical and toxicological characterization. Biochimie. 92:273-283. 2010 - Snake venomics of bothriechis nigroviridis reveals extreme variability among palm pitviper venoms: Different evolutionary solutions for the same trophic purpose. Journal of Proteome Research. 9:4234-4241. 2010
- Snake venomics of the Central American Rattlesnake Crotalus simus and the South American Crotalus durissus complex points to neurotoxicity as an adaptive paedomorphic trend along Crotalus dispersal in South America. Journal of Proteome Research. 9:528-544. 2010
- Snake venomics and antivenomics of Bothrops atrox venoms from Colombia and the Amazon regions of Brazil, Perú and Ecuador suggest the occurrence of geographic variation of venom phenotype by a trend towards paedomorphism. Journal of Proteomics. 73:57-78. 2009
- Snake venomics and antivenomics of Bothrops colombiensis, a medically important pitviper of the Bothrops atrox-asper complex endemic to Venezuela: Contributing to its taxonomy and snakebite management. Journal of Proteomics. 72:227-240. 2009
- Snake venomics and antivenomics: Proteomic tools in the design and control of antivenoms for the treatment of snakebite envenoming. Journal of Proteomics. 72:165-182. 2009
- Studies on the venom proteome of Bothrops asper: Perspectives and applications. Toxicon. 54:938-948. 2009
- Venoms, venomics, antivenomics. FEBS Letters. 583:1736-1743. 2009
- Enlace al artículo. Journal of Proteomics. 71:46-60. 2008
- Isolation and characterization of a serine proteinase with thrombin-like activity from the venom of the snake Bothrops asper. Brazilian Journal of Medical and Biological Research. 41:12-17. 2008
- Snake Venomics of the Lancehead Pitviper Bothrops asper: Geographic, Individual, and Ontogenetic Variations. Journal of Proteome Research. 7:3556-3571. 2008
- Snake venomics and antivenomics of the arboreal neotropical pitvipers bothriechis lateralis and bothriechis schlegelii. Journal of Proteome Research. 7:2445-2457. 2008
- Snake venomics of the lesser antillean pit vipers bothrops caribbaeus and Bothrops lanceolatus: Correlation with toxicological activities and immunoreactivity of a heterologous antivenom. Journal of Proteome Research. 7:4396-4408. 2008
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- Libia Sanz Sanz