Allometric relationships predicting foliar biomass and leaf area:sapwood area ratio from tree height in five Costa Rican rain forest species Artículo académico Expediente uri icon


  • We developed allometric equations to predict whole-tree leaf area (A 1), leaf biomass (M1) and leaf area to sapwood area ratio (A1:As) in five rain forest tree species of Costa Rica: Pentaclethra macroloba (Willd.) Kuntze (Fabaceae/Mim), Carapa guianensis Aubl. (Meliaceae), Vochysia ferruginea Mart. (Vochysiaceae), Virola koshnii Warb. (Myristicaceae) and Tetragastris panamensis (Engl.) Kuntze (Burseraceae). By destructive analyses (n = 11-14 trees per species), we observed strong nonlinear allometric relationships (r2 ≥ 0.9) for predicting A1 or M1 from stem diameters or As measured at breast height. Linear relationships were less accurate. In general, A1:A s at breast height increased linearly with tree height except for Pentaclethra, which showed a negative trend. All species, however, showed increased total A1 with height. The observation that four of the five species increased in A1:As with height is consistent with hypotheses about tradeoffs between morphological and anatomical adaptations that favor efficient water flow through variation in the amount of leaf area supported by sapwood and those imposed by the need to respond quickly to light gaps in the canopy.

fecha de publicación

  • 2008