Background: Genetic studies have been consistent that bipolar disorder type I (BPI) runs in families and that thisfamilial aggregation is strongly influenced by genes. In a preliminary study, we proved that anxiety trait meetsendophenotype criteria for BPI.
Methods: We assessed 619 individuals from the Central Valley of Costa Rica (CVCR) who have received eva-luation for anxiety following the same methodological procedure used for the initial pilot study. Our goal was toconduct a multipoint quantitative trait linkage analysis to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) related to an-xiety trait in subjects with BPI. We conducted the statistical analyses using Quantitative Trait Loci method(Variance-components models), implemented in Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines (SOLAR),using 5606 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs).
Results: We identified a suggestive linkage signal with a LOD score of 2.01 at chromosome 2 (2q13-q14).Limitations: Since confounding factors such as substance abuse, medical illness and medication history were notassessed in our study, these conclusions should be taken as preliminary.
Conclusions: We conclude that region 2q13-q14 may harbor a candidate gene(s) with an important role in thepathophysiology of BPI and anxiety.