Female models in an American glamour website: geographic distribution, modeling limits and income according to their self presentations
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The American glamour modeling market is the largest in the world and GlamourModels is the main specialized website in the field. We analyzed the 368 profiles of American models published at the site through 2011. The mean age of the models was 27,6 years and they were taller and slimmer that the general female population of the country (mean values: height 1,68m, weight 54kg and waist-to-hip ratio 0,73). From 2001 to 2011 the representation of models in the website expanded from the East to the Central and Western parts of the USA. The number of models in a state can be predicted from its total population size. The state with the most models was California, followed by Texas, New York and Arizona. Only six states were unrepresented at the website in 2011 and all were states with small populations and without large cities. Generally models preferred to work clothed, even if the approach in the clothed categories was more sexual than in the art nude categories. Models might be worried about how their work can affect their social acceptance. They find in glamour modeling a supplementary source of income that can be pursued along with other activities and that offers a relatively high pay