Stem anatomy and development of interxylary phloem in Strychnos bredemeyeri (Loganiaceae) Artículo académico uri icon


  • In Strychnos bredemeyeri small segments of the cambium cease to produce secondary xylem temporarily and produce more phloem centrifugally. A new segment of the cambium differentiates outside to this phloem, which unite with the regular cylinder to form a complete ring by leaving the cambium segment in the furrow. Such repeated activity of cambium results in inclusion of phloem islands within the secondary xylem, called interxylary phloem. New phloem elements added by the cambium associated with phloem islands crush the non-conducting sieve elements in older phloem islands. Beside interxylary phloem, intraxylary phloem is added from the marginal pith cells. Subsequently, small arcs of the internal cambium initiate on the inner margin of the protoxylem in thick stems.

fecha de publicación

  • 2017