Weak and Compact Radio Emission in Early Massive Star Formation Regions: An Ionized Jet Toward G11.11-0.12P1 Artículo académico Valor fecha/hora uri icon


  • We report 1.3 cm and 6 cm continuum observations toward the massive proto-stellar candidate G11.11−0.12P1 using the Karl G. Jansky Very Large Array. We detect a string of four unresolved radio continuum sources coincident with the mid-infrared source in G11P1. The continuum sources have positive spectral indices consistent with a thermal (free–free) ionized jet. The most likely origins of the ionized gas are shocks due to the interaction of a stellar wind with the surrounding high-density material. We also present NIR United Kingdom Infrared Telescope (UKIRT) archival data that show an extended structure detected only at K band (2.2 μm), which is oriented perpendicular to the jet, and that may be scattered light from a circumstellar disk around the massive protostar. Our observations plus the UKIRT archival data thus provide new evidence that a disk/jet system is present in the massive proto-stellar candidate located in the G11.11−0.12P1 core.

fecha de publicación

  • 2014