Lugar de publicación
- Activity Patterns of a Neotropical Ambush Predator: Spatial Ecology of the Fer‐de‐lance (Bothrops asper, Serpentes: Viperidae) in Costa Rica. 41:241-249. 2009
- Effects of wind on the allometry of two species of plants in an elfin cloud forest. 39:177-185. 2007
- Effects of season and successional stage on leaf area index and spectral vegetation indices in three mesoamerican tropical dry forests. 37:486-496. 2005
- Research priorities for neotropical dry forests. 37:477-485. 2005
- Secondary forest detection in a neotropical dry forest landscape using Landsat 7 ETM+ and IKONOS imagery. 37:497-507. 2005
- Lack of ecotypic differentiation: Plant response to elevation, population origin, and wind in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. 32:225-234. 2000