I.A. Petrinovic, and L D’Elia: Rocas Volcaniclásticas, Depósitos, Procesos y Modelos de Facies: desde el origen hasta las zonas finales de depositación Artículo académico uri icon


  • Argentina is a country in which many volcanologists have gained experience through fieldwork with exceptional outcrops of volcaniclastic deposits: two of the most fascinating places being the central Andes, and the old volcanic plateaus of the wild and beautiful Patagonian region. Many of us have been enlightened by the well-preserved, fresh outcrops that characterize the geology of the country which represents an alpine environment in which there is very limited weathering. A number of Argentine universities thus now run volcanological courses that use these resources in their teaching. An example of this is the “Curso Internacional de Volcanologia de Campo de los Andes Centrales,” which is the oldest volcanology course in Latin America, celebrating its 25th anniversary in 2019. This book contributes another example of Argentinian researchers’ efforts to improve our understanding of volcanic systems and associated deposits. While it is a useful new textbook for the Spanish-speaking volcanology community, it also summarizes how two Argentine academics, Ivan Petrinovic and Leandro D’Elia, think about the past and future of volcanology. As theywrite in the book’s epilogue “... our training has imposed a certain style and subjectivity on the themes developed in this book.” Thus, this academic text also aims to place the authors’ current scientific knowledge within the long and interesting history of research and teaching in their country. 

fecha de publicación

  • 2020