Distribution of scale insects (Homoptera: Coccoidea) on Citrus and eclosion of Aphytis parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae). Artículo académico uri icon


  • In a Citrus grove at Santa Ana, Costa Rica, the spatial distribution of nine scale species differed among individual trees. The hypothesis that scales prefer the top half of the foliage to favor wind dispersion was rejected for eight species, the exception being Lepidosaphes gloveri. Most species were rare in the side protected from the wind during the rainy season. Chrysomphalus sp. and Lepidosaphes spp. occurred more frequently on the basal upper side of leaves, possibly for feeding and/or kin selection reasons. The most frequent scale was Chrysomphalus sp. (46 %), followed by Lepidosaphes spp. (29 %). The number of eclosion holes of the parasitoid Aphytis sp. decreased slightly as the number of host scales per leaf increased.

fecha de publicación

  • 1990