Snakebite poisoning in Latin America and the Caribbean: An integral view from a regional perspective | Envenenamientos por mordeduras de serpientes en América Latina y el Caribe: Una visión integral de carácter regional Artículo académico Nombre uri icon


  • The public health problem of envenomings induced by snakebites in Latin America and the Caribbean is analyzed in this work. This pathology affects predominantly the rural population and has a high impact on regions where the provision of health services is insufficient. The majority of envenomings are inflicted by species of the genera Bothrops and Crotalus, classified in the family Viperidae. There are several laboratories in the region which manufacture antivenoms for the treatment of these envenomings, although the volume of production in some cases does not fulfill the national demand and, consequently, antivenoms have to be imported. A significant body of knowledge has been gained in the taxonomy of the snakes and the biochemistry, toxicology and immunology of venoms, as well as in the preclinical and clinical performance of antivenoms. Despite significant advances in the control of this neglected tropical disease in Latin America, there are pending tasks in the region, such as: (a) To improve our knowledge on snakes and their venoms; (b) to assess the actual incidence and mortality of snakebite envenomings; (c) to increase the volume of antivenom produced and, in some cases, to improve the quality of antivenoms; (d) to improve the national quality control laboratories; (e) to develop more effective strategies of distribution of antivenoms, especially to remote rural areas where snakebites are frequent; (f) to foster permanent education programs for the health staff in charge of the treatment of these envenomings; (g) to follow up and provide support to people that suffer physical or psychological sequelae as a consequence of these envenomings; and (h) to strengthen community programs aimed at improving the prevention and adequate management of snakebites. This conglomerate of tasks should be approached with a philosophy of solidarity, integration and cooperation in the region, with the involvement of multiple actors and institutions.

fecha de publicación

  • 2011