Effect of Triunfetta semitriloba aqueous extract on sucrase activity in rat gut Artículo académico Valor fecha/hora uri icon


  • In vitro normal intestinal sucrase activity in albino rat gut was found to be 0.28 ± 0.07 nkat/cm, at 37°C and pH 7.50. No activity was detected in the presence of the aqueous extract of T. semitriloba. In separate experiments, fasting rats were given the aqueous extract by gavage. No activity was observed in vitro, unless the intestinal tissue samples were washed with saline solution prior to enzymatic assay. Intestinal membrane-bound alkaline phosphatase activity was unperturbed by the presence of the extract components. Inhibition of sucrase activity must then be the result of a specific interaction with the enzyme.

fecha de publicación

  • 1994