Three New Mesoamerican Taxa of Dichaea with Caducous Leaves Artículo académico uri icon


  • Two new species and one subspecies of Mesoamerican Dichaea Lindley with caducous leaves are described and illustrated. Dichaea dressleri Folsom, a new species with narrow, glaucous leaves and resembling D. gracillima C. Schweinfurth, is described from wet forests in western Panama. Dichaea globosa Dressler & Pupulin, a new species described from Costa Rica and Panama, is a close ally of D. fragrantissima Folsom and of the widespread D. morrisii Fawcett & Rendle and may be distinguished by the fleshy, subtruncate lip with a broad claw and obovate petals. Dichaea fragrantissima, already described from Panama with a short diagnosis, is more fully described here. It is distinguished by the short, obtuse, lateral lobes of the lip, the subquadrate ligule and the narrow, subacuminate sepals and petals. Within D. fragrantissima, subsp. fragrantissima has prominent lilac lines on the sepals and petals and the lip is lilac, while subsp. eburnea Dressler & Pupulin, of Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama, is distinguished by ivory flowers with greenish ivory apices and smaller lateral lobes of the lip. Some members of subsp. eburnea are autogamous. Dichaea morrisii, although ranging widely in South America, is uncommon in Mesoamerica.

fecha de publicación

  • 2006