miembro de falta la actividad Núñez, Carlos E. Investigador internacional Squaiella Baptistao, Carla Cristina
publicaciones seleccionadas artículo académico Biocatalysis in Biomass-derived Solvents: The Quest for Fully Sustainable Chemical Processes. Current Organic Chemistry. 17:1188-1199. 2013 Bio-solvents change regioselectivity in the synthesis of disaccharides using Biolacta β-galactosidase. Tetrahedron. 68:2141-2145. 2012 Screening of strains and recombinant enzymes from Thermus thermophilus for their use in disaccharide synthesis. Journal of Molecular Catalysis B: Enzymatic. 74:162-169. 2012 Solvents derived from glycerol modify classical regioselectivity in the enzymatic synthesis of disaccharides with Biolacta β-galactosidase. Green Chemistry. 13:2810-2817. 2011